We finally had a break in the weather yesterday (it’s the rainy season) long enough to go outside and mow the lawn and take care of some stuff outside. In the process, I came across this:
LTC – Watch more free videos
We finally had a break in the weather yesterday (it’s the rainy season) long enough to go outside and mow the lawn and take care of some stuff outside. In the process, I came across this:
LTC – Watch more free videos
Absolutely a slow news day! 🙂
I needed to do something different, and make a video came to mind when I saw the lizards hanging in our lizard torture chamber. It was a nice diversion.
Things are well here. When are you and Erin coming to visit?
No, the torture chamber is still there – waiting for its next victims… bwahahaha!
I probably picked it up here:
It’s a cool website that has royalty free music, meaning, as long as I give proper attribution, I don’t have to pay the musicians to use their music. I try to be law abiding that way.
Slow news day? 🙂 Hope everything is going great for you guys in the great state of Florida.
did you fix the torture chamber?
Where did you get the Over All Brothers CD. That’s pretty good stuff.
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