Ryan and Debi & Toren

baby darth

We swaddle Toren most of the time when we put him down to sleep.  It seems to really keep him calm.  If we don’t, he has a tendency to flail his arms and legs, waking himself up.  I walked into his room the other day to find him like this:

Toren pretending to be Darth Vader
Toren pretending to be Darth Vader

My Mom has already told me to stop comparing Toren to aliens, as he’s much cuter than they are (she’s right, of course), but I couldn’t help thinking that he looked like Darth Vader unmasked:

Darth Vader unmasked

So, clearly he isn’t as pasty white nor does he have the scars, but that’s what I thought when I saw him.  Maybe it’s the bald, rounded head?

And of course there is the issue of whether the human-like characters in Star Wars are actually humans or aliens.  Since I’m not a Star Wars buff (Star Trek all the way, baby!), I’m not going to comment only to say that this is at least a comparison with a clearly human-like alien this time.  Sorry Mom!

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