wrestling Toren to Sleep

For some reason Toren doesn’t go to sleep easily when I’m holding him. When Debi is holding him, he pretends like he’s hungry, but he doesn’t cry or fight. When I hold him, he cries and wrestles:

Here’s another version of Toren doing this:

Turns out, I have since found a way to significantly reduce Toren’s fighting: blasting The Beautiful South (and singing with it). Who knew our baby had a thing for British Alternative Rock!







3 responses to “wrestling Toren to Sleep”

  1. Wendy Avatar

    Who can resist the soothing sounds of “Woman in the Wall”? I know I can’t.

  2. ryan Avatar

    Indeed! It may not be the best message for a baby, but if it works…

  3. Wendy Avatar

    Exactly! He could just be like mom and “like the music”, right mom?

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