Bjorn baby

Toren enjoying a little Baby Bjorn ride with Debi:

baby bjorn with mom 8-18-2009 3-52-19 PM

baby bjorn with mom 8-18-2009 3-53-28 PM

baby bjorn with mom 8-18-2009 3-53-14 PM

baby bjorn with mom 8-18-2009 3-53-21 PM

This last one warrants special note.  If you look closely at Toren you’ll notice something he’s started doing just recently – biting his bottom lip.  He does this quite regularly, pulling his bottom lip in and sucking on it.  I’m sure it’s quite normal, but it was new for us.

Also, I have another question out there for parents: The Baby Bjorn we have says it can hold a baby up to about 23 pounds.  It already seems a bit tight on Toren (he has a big belly), so I’m beginning to think about a new child carrier.  We’ll need one for a trip we are planning, but I’d also like one so we can go on some hikes.  Any suggestions on baby carriers for slightly larger babies (e.g., 1 year olds)?







10 responses to “Bjorn baby”

  1. Angela Bedard Avatar
    Angela Bedard

    I heard the Kelty kid carrier is good. Knowledge stored for our future, no news yet…

  2. ryan Avatar

    I’ll look into the Kelty. The reviews of the FC 3.0 on look promising. Thanks!

    And do let us know if there is “news”!

  3. Sharon Avatar

    Ooh, ooh! *raising hand* As soon as I saw you were using a Bjorn, I had to restrain myself from giving carrier advice. But since you ASKED! It depends on how often you want to use it and how long those hikes will be, but my favorite carrier by far is my Baby Hawk mei tai. It is not a structured carrier (like a Kelty), but very comfortable, super easy to put on, and can be used for a front or back carry. I used it for everything from grocery shopping to short walks around the neighborhood to day hikes. Since it isn’t structured, you can easily toss it in the car or stuff it in a backpack when you aren’t using it. I could still carry Matthew in it at age 2, if only he would let me — he wants to run everywhere.

    1. ryan Avatar

      The Baby Hawk looks like a great alternative to the structured Kelty, especially for what we were thinking we would need it for (a big trip next summer out of the country).

  4. Ezra Avatar

    You might check some of the adjustments on your Bjorn. Based on the one we have (I don’t know if it’s the same model), I would check the following:

    1. Bottom strap – this one is a bit more obvious, as it’s labeled with height/weight.

    2. The top straps may not be positioned properly. Based on the picture, you currently have the tops straps that run from the baby front part that connect to the parent shoulder straps running UNDER Toren’s arms. Try running them OVER his arms, which create a little sleeve for him. I remember doing the same thing when we first had our bjorn and the under method was really tight. Once I switched to over there was much more space. The added benefit is that he won’t feel so top heavy.

  5. mom Avatar

    He is getting pretty chunky— you might consider just rolling him up the hill!!! lol (couldn’t resist that one— he just gets cuter and cuter- and so do you!!!)

  6. ryan Avatar

    Hey Ezra – that’s a great idea. He might not be tall enough to look over it if we flip it up now, but I’m sure he will be soon. So, that should expand it substantially.

    Mom – I’ll ask Debi about rolling him hills. I’m sure she’ll go for it! 😉

  7. Holly Avatar

    We had an evenflow carrier from Nicole, and also borrowed a bjorn – nice for the first few months is all (with our chunky babies). Mark’s sister Rachel (& Ryan) gave us a Kelty backpack when we got Noah though. They researched what was out at the time & for us chose the “Pathfinder” model, and we’ve LOVED it. It’s a structured frame pack, so not for around the house stuff – but we’ve used it hiking, at festivals, amusement parks, and Mark puts one of the boys in it whenever he mows the lawn (they love it). The boys love being up high where they can watch everything too. Here’s the url an old blog post where you can see it It has several settings for height, so even I’ve been able to wear it. Oh, and you don’t have to carry a diaper bag when you use it because of the storage it has, and the sun/rain hood came in handy A LOT too (also good to stop small branches you don’t notice above you when hiking that could inadvertently smack the baby). It is also self standing when you set it down with the kiddo in it, which is nice when you stop for lunch or something. Sorry for such a long comment…

    1. ryan Avatar

      Good to get a review from someone who has used one. We’ll have to give this some thought as it sounds like there are several good options.

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