More videos coming soon… But, in the meantime, I just wanted to report on a conversation Debi and I had yesterday over dinner while Toren looked on, oblivious to our nefarious scheming.
Debi noted that she gave Toren the crust from her toast that morning for breakfast and he ate it. She even claimed he liked it. What you don’t get from this short story is the long-running battle Debi and I have had over her crust. Early on in our marriage it drove me nuts that she would eat everything but the crust of bread (she still does it, and not just with toast). In recent years, we have resorted to her giving me her crust (when I’m around) as I hate wasting what I see as perfectly good bread. Now, truth be told, she has revealed an ulterior motive for having Toren – to eat her crust!!!
Of course, she’s not the only one with ulterior motives. I inherited a terrible trait from my mother – I like to bug people, particularly Debi (it’s worse when I’m bored, which hasn’t been the case recently). Debi has been saying for a long time that we need a kid so I’ll bug the kid when I’m bored and not her. So, truth be told, another ulterior motive for having Toren – I can big him instead of Debi!!!
Yep, we’re bad parents… ๐
Actually, you’d think we were really bad parents if we told you the manifest reasons for having Toren rather than just the latent/ulterior reasons… Be glad you don’t know! ๐
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