Ryan and Debi & Toren

Europe Trip – day 14 – at sea

Our last day on the cruise was at sea as we were traveling from Katakalon (Katakolo) back to Venice.  I woke up around 6:00 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I headed up to the library to do some work. The ship seemed empty at that time – a few people were in the hot tub, probably still up from the previous night, but I mostly saw ship staff cleaning. I grabbed some coffee and watched the sunrise in the library while working on my trip notes and looking at photos from the trip.

We really didn’t do much all day.  Toren and Debi slept in, then we went to breakfast.  At one point we went up to the 11th floor nightclub with Gary and Rosemary and blew bubbles for Toren to chase around, but that was about the extent of our activities.  We spent a good part of the day just getting everything packed up and ready to go home the next day.  It was actually quite nice to have the last day be just a day at sea so we could relax and get ready to go home.

After our last dinner in the nice restaurant we went to another show hoping Toren would do well like he did the previous night.  The show was a magician, Mark Taylor. He was pretty good with sleight of hand tricks, but his total show lasted 20 minutes before he had used up all of his material.  Some of his tricks weren’t even all that impressive if you know how some of them are done (Debi used to date a magician and so knows a lot of the tricks).  We went to bed shortly after the show ended.

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