red sock + blue sock

Surprise, surprise, Toren has opinions!  The other day he insisted that Debi put on him a red sock… and a blue sock!  So, what did Toren wear to daycare?  One red sock and one blue sock:

he did have clothes on when he went to daycare, but dinner made it necessary to remove the clothes

The daycare workers wondered if we noticed when we put them on in the morning.  When I told them that’s what he chose, they just laughed.  The next day, he picked out Debi’s shirt.  This kid is getting really, really picky!







2 responses to “red sock + blue sock”

  1. Toren Sven Karlsson Avatar
    Toren Sven Karlsson

    My name is Toren also. Very few with the name. My name is a variant of Tor, the Norse God of Thunder.

  2. ryan Avatar

    @Toren Sven Karlsson
    Hi Toren,

    I saw that as a possible etymology for “Toren” but couldn’t verify it. It’s a much better etymology than “tower” in Dutch!

    Cool name, either way!

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