Toren in Plant Hall

I took Toren in to UT on the Saturday of Gasparilla hoping there would be boats going up and down the river.  There were and he enjoyed watching them.  But he eventually wanted to go inside, so we did.  I took him up to one of the upper floors of Plant Hall (the famous building on campus).  He decided he wanted to sit on a bench and have a snack.  So, I let him while I snapped a photo:







3 responses to “Toren in Plant Hall”

  1. ryan Avatar

    Thank you!

    I didn’t end up seeing more than a couple of minutes of the game – Toren isn’t that into football, as you could tell! Was it a good game?

  2. Bruce Avatar

    Absolutely adorable!! He was more fun to watch than the superbowl, too!

  3. genie Avatar

    Cuteeeeee!!!! Yes, the game was great and the commercials also! Love you all.

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