And that’s pretty much it. I slept in a bit this morning, finished packing everything up, and drove the van in to drop it off. Here’s a Google Map of my travels in Scotland (driving, not hiking). I covered a lot miles:
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After I dropped the van off, I was looking at 36 hours of travel. With my heels still hurting, I wasn’t up for doing much walking. I caught a train back to Glasgow Central and waited there for my evening train back to London. From London I took a train to Gatwick and spent the night – buzzed on caffeine – working in Gatwick airport. My flight left at 10:00 am, but my train got into Gatwick at 1:00 am, so I saw no sense in getting a hotel. I figured I’d sleep on the plane. Alas, I didn’t sleep much. The person who sat next to me worked in international development and we ended up chatting a far amount, so I got home exhausted having slept for maybe an hour in the previous 36 hours. Even so, it was great to see Debi and Toren. And so ends my Scotland Adventure.

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