One of the luxuries of being on sabbatical is that I can pretty much take a trip whenever I want. Debi had a conference in Anaheim (at the Anaheim Convention Center about a block away from Disneyland) in early October and I had some frequent flyer miles. That meant Debi’s work would cover her airfare, mine would be covered by my miles, and we’d only have to pay for Toren. Plus, Debi’s work would pick up the hotel and her food. So, it would make for a cheap trip.
We flew out on the fourth, arriving fairly early in the morning. We picked up our rental car and drove to our hotel in San Diego where we went swimming. As it turns out, we were freezing cold in California. It was an unseasonably cool day, but it made for a short stop in our hotels outdoor, unheated pool. After swimming, we wanted to go to Point Loma, which is supposed to have a great view of the bay and downtown San Diego. But the government shutdown meant it was closed. Instead, we went to Sunset Cliffs, which is a local park, and wandered around for a while. I was really just hoping to get some exercise in and do some hiking on actual hills (those things that don’t exist in Florida). Here are Debi and Toren overlooking some of the cliffs:

We eventually went all the way down to the beach and explored the beach for a while:

I even managed to find some sea anemones that were camouflaging themselves with shells.

After our hike, we went to a pizza place on the bay, hoping to get a good view. Alas, it was so surrounded by boats that we couldn’t really see the bay, but the food was good.
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