Wednesday we did go hiking. We got up early and headed to Brighton with Scott and Shalynn to do a 4 ½ mile hike to three lakes. The initial part of the trail is a little steep, but once you get up to the first lake, things level out considerably and the views become very pretty. I recommend this hike for anyone in moderately good shape who wants a quick trip into the woods and mountains surrounding Salt Lake. It took us just a couple of hours but was lots of fun. The conversation was also very engaging – Scott and Shalynn are fun to talk to.
That afternoon we headed up to my parents’ house to stay with my mom for a few days. On the way we stopped at my friend, Mark Woolley’s in-laws’ house (they are staying with them while he does rotations around the country) to play some ping pong. I was amazed that I could still play considering I haven’t picked up a racket in probably a year or so, but I gave him a run for his money. We also got to see their baby, Noah Cole Woolley, who they adopted back in February. We continued on to my mom’s and spent the evening chatting with her.