Author: rcragun
Road Trip – day 26 (AZ and NM)
We didn’t have too far to go this day. We picked up some supplies in Flagstaff, then headed east toward Albuquerque. We stopped on the way at the Barringer Crater, which I visited in 2007. The Crater was formed by a meteorite and is pretty impressive. Toren seemed interested in the museum that is there,…
Road Trip – day 25 (Powell and Grand Canyon)
We got up early this morning and began getting everything ready to go. Our timing for Lake Powell was off a bit and we ended right at the end of the week. This was the day everyone was leaving, and that means a lot of work. We were ready to help get everything cleaned up,…
Road Trip – day 24 (Lake Powell)
We spent all of this day at Lake Powell as well. I got up early to go skiing with some of my nieces and nephews. I got some skiing in. It’s amazing how well muscle-memory works. I can still slalom, though I’m sure I’ve lost some of my form from when I was younger. And…
Road Trip – day 23 (Lake Powell)
We got a fairly early start from Moab, leaving Debi’s family, and headed for Lake Powell. This was the second time I’d approached Lake Powell from the south (Hall’s Crossing); the first was in high school on a work trip with Tyler McConville (good times). It took about 4 hours from Moab and we had…
Road Trip – day 21 (Arches and Canyonlands)
In the morning we went hiking in Arches. Okay, it was more like walking, since we didn’t do many big hikes. We had a picnic in the park as well. When we got home in the afternoon, we went swimming, then Toren took a nap. After dinner we went to Canyonlands to enjoy the sunset.…
Road Trip – day 20 (southern Utah)
We left fairly early in a caravan, headed for Southern Utah with Debi’s family. We stopped in Price on our way for a quick lunch at A&W, where Toren posed as a statue: Just after Price, the caravan split up. Some went on to Moab and we went with Debi’s sister and her family to…
Road Trip – day 19 (Utah; church and Atheists of Utah presentation)
We started the day with a visit to church. Debi’s brother was in town with his newborn and they were going to bless him, so we went to sacrament meeting to attend the blessing. Since I go to church a couple times a year anyway, I counted this for one of those visits and took…
Road Trip – day 18 (Ben Lomond and Willard peaks; Utah)
Back to our adventures. I went hiking this day and Debi and Toren went to a birthday party with one of Toren’s cousins. Having completed most of the highpoints in the region around Utah, and after quite the adventure last year, Mark, Tom, and I opted for an easier, local hike – Ben Lomond. It…
Road Trip – day 17 (Utah)
Having recovered a little, it was time to start getting things ready for the second half of our trip. Debi’s father helped me clean out the car. We even waxed it. It was looking pretty nice by the time we were done. Toren went to the park with Rosemary and Debi got some more work…