Author: rcragun

  • Toren in a bouncy house

    We went to a birthday party with a bouncy house.  Toren was one of the younger kids there but he wasn’t afraid in the bouncy house.  Here he is pulling off one of his favorite tricks:

  • he was born that way

    Toren was doing some art work tonight and decided to draw pictures of his friend monster.  As he drew, he turned to Debi and said, “My friend monster is kind of ugly.” Debi asked him, “How come?” Toren replied, “He has funny eyes.  (pause) He was born that way.”

  • Toren popping packing bubbles

    One of Toren’s favorite activities is to pop the air bubbles that come in our packages.  Here he is with a particularly long chain of bubbles:

  • teaching Toren poker

    While Debi was on a trip one weekend I started teaching Toren poker.  He didn’t really get it, but it was fun:

  • Toren playing computer games

    He still doesn’t do this very often, but he seems to be growing more and more interested in computer games:

  • Disney = nightmares

    We’ve let Toren watch a lot of movies that could reasonably lead to nightmares for a 3 year-old: all of the X-Men, The Lord of the Rings series, all of the Harry Potter movies, every superhero movie you can think of (including the dark Batman series), etc.  Since we let him start watching those movies,…

  • Yeah, we’re good geek parents

    Toren wanted to watch an episode of Star Trek one night and we didn’t have enough time before his bedtime, so we told him no.  Here’s his response:

  • Toren’s superhero comforter

    Toren’s Granmary (Debi’s Mom) made him a superhero comforter to go with his wall decals (he has superheroes all over his walls).  Here’s a video of him opening the comforter and checking it out:

  • Toren dancing in the doctor’s office

    Toren likes to put on these little shows occasionally.  For a couple of weeks he was pulling his shirt over his legs and bouncing around like this:

  • Toren hiking in his explorer jacket

    Here’s a nice little video of Toren hiking in his explorer jacket the neighbor gave him for Christmas: