Author: rcragun

  • more Busch Gardens activities

    Here are a few more clips of Toren playing at Busch Gardens. Climbing the nets: Hanging from bars: And playing in a splash pad:

  • No, Everybody Does Not Know Him

    Not sure if you remember Toren’s run in with a guy at Taco Bell who asked him if he was going to go to church?  If not, you can read about it here.  The short version is Toren had no idea what he was talking about. That same guy saw Toren again this evening at…

  • more stuff to jump off

    I took Toren to the mall on a blustery summer day (we spend more time indoors during the summer than we do during the winter).  His favorite activity at this play area?  Jumping off stuff: And then he fell off the toys, too:

  • jumping off animals

    Toren is really into jumping off stuff at the moment.  Here he is jumping off some hippos at Busch Gardens:

  • Toren trampoline diving

    Another recent activity of Toren’s – jumping into the side of the trampoline on purpose: Another clip another day:

  • little athlete

    We were cleaning out a closet one day and found some hand weights.  While we were doing other things, Toren found them, laid down, and started lifting them: We’re not sure were he even saw this, but he gave it a good effort.

  • Roger, Roger!

    Toren’s love for Star Wars and the Clone Wars resulting in him repeating the phrase the droids say all the time – Roger, Roger! For about two weeks he said this all the time, then moved on.

  • some clips from my Scotland trip

    I posted photos from my Scotland trip, but forgot about the footage.  Here are some clips I shot. Here’s the bowl in the Cuillin Hills that was amazing: Here’s a shot of the scree pile I hiked to get to the top of the Cuillin Hills bowl: A short clip of the summit and the…

  • hitting on the ladies

    We were at the house of some of our friends yesterday enjoying a relaxing afternoon of good food and good company.  They have a pool, which Toren will, of course, take advantage of.  I swam with Toren for a while, then Debi took a turn. While Debi was in the pool with Toren, another woman…

  • additional clips from Morgan visit to Florida

    We visited Busch Gardens while Debi’s family was here.  Toren and Ethan went on the kids’ boat ride and had to spice it up as it was a little too tepid for them: Brent showed us some cool crustaceans that get washed out of the sand when waves come in but then wiggle back in:…