Author: rcragun
small child + big umbrella = walking umbrella?
Debi shot this clip of Toren walking underneath my umbrella at Busch Gardens one day:
Toren painting
Toren loves doing artwork. Here he is working on a masterpiece:
ubuntu: HP Elitebook 8540p wireless
This is primarily a note for me, but I just spent 3 hours reformatting my HP Elitebook 8540p because I couldn’t get it to connect to my new 802.11n router. Turns out all I needed to do was switching the security on the router to WPA from WEP. So, anyone searching for how to get…
keep away from dad
Toren has been weaned for a while now (not as long as you might think, but long enough for this to be funny). So, when he reached for Debi’s breasts the other day, Debi told him, “No.” She then asked, “What are you doing?” Toren’s response, “I don’t want Daddy to get them.”
Toren training
Ever since Toren learned to curse (with two particular words – sh*t and d*mn), we’ve been trying to teach him that he probably shouldn’t say those words, at least not in public since some people will take offense. It looks like the lessons are paying off. The other day while she was driving, Toren piped…
an interesting conception of love
During my spring break I went to the Cherokee Nation to volunteer with students. During that trip we had several people come talk to us about Cherokee culture. One of those speakers said something that stuck with me. He explained that there is no word in Cherokee that translates into the word “love.” He said…
how many more times will we hear this one
Toren has tried this a few times now. We’re getting ready to go somewhere and he doesn’t want to go. To get out of going he’ll say, “I don’t want to go. My sick.”
scattered thoughts
Toren’s thoughts don’t always flow together perfectly. We let him watch Fabulous Four one night and here’s what he said when it was over, “My like it. Now my go to bed. My sleep naked.”
love sucks
Toren has already figured out how to use the word love to his advantage. Debi had to leave one day and, of course, Toren didn’t want her to. So he ran to her and said, “Mommy, don’t leave. My love you.”
Ubuntu: Adding Non-Repository Program to Menu and Dash
If you’ve ever downloaded a program to run in Linux from the web and not installed it from a repository, that program may not appear in your menu or dash (the activities screen activated when you hit the “super” button), making it difficult to launch, particularly with one of the new desktop managers like Gnome…