Author: rcragun

  • wazzup, armadillo?

    Toren and I went on a hike one day near Sarasota.  Toren’s imagination is getting better and he was pretending we were surrounded by monsters as I carried him through the backwoods.  I, on the other hand, was afraid of actual animals that might attack us, since not many people hike here in Florida and…

  • Baby Quinn

    We had some good friends who, for a while, lived right across the street from us.  They had a baby they named Quinn and recently moved to Michigan.  Before they moved the mother used to come over on Saturdays and she and Debi would take Quinn and Toren to the park.  Toren still talks about…

  • first cancelled class… in 5 years

    I will have taught at the University of Tampa for five years at the end of this semester.  During that time I’ve cancelled classes for conferences, which I usually know about well in advance.  I also cancelled classes once when my brother Mark died.  But I’ve never cancelled a class because I was sick or…

  • the true meaning of Easter

    Blue bunny ears and chocolate rabbits: Toren is finally starting to get what holidays are, which is making them much more fun.

  • What’s better than Busch Gardens?

    The splash pads at Busch Gardens:

  • train ride

    We found a little train at Busch Gardens like the one at the Tampa Zoo.  We keep finding new stuff; the place is huge:

  • most pathetic orangutan ever

    This orangutan was sitting right next to the glass just staring people in the eyes one day.  It was actually quite sad:

  • riding a turtle

    Toren found a turtle to ride at Busch Gardens one day:

  • Inches from a tiger

    Someone at Busch Gardens had an interesting idea.  Rather than just allow people to get close to tigers by looking at them through a glass window, why not allow people to actually be under the tigers (by climbing up into a plastic box that they like to lay on)? Toren and I found this one…

  • Ever wonder what it feels like to be swallowed by a hippopotamus?

    It probably feels something like this: