Author: rcragun
We spent about an hour building a nice sand castle. Toren participated and seemed to enjoy it. But he liked destroying it a lot more:
cutest run ever
I love how toddlers run. Here’s Toren running on the beach:
big toy fun
Here’s Toren climbing on a big toy at the same beach:
bird chaser
I took Toren to the beach one day. While there we chased some of the birds. Here’s Toren going after some of the birds:
future high jumper
Toren loves jumping. Here he is jumping from one manhole cover to another at his daycare:
corn eater
Toren still loves corn on the cob. He’ll typically eat two ears whenever we have it:
climbing nets
This is a short clip of Toren climbing some nets at Busch Gardens:
belly stamps
Every week at Toren’s gymnastics class he get stamps, one on each hand, one on each foot, and one on his belly. I got him to show me the stamp on his belly in this video:
umbrella, yes; sunscreen, no
At Toren’s daycare they apply sunscreen before the kids go outside, which we really like as we don’t want Toren to get sunburns. But, Toren hates sunscreen. It’s always a battle to get it on him. But our little problem solver came up with a new solution. While shopping the other day he found a…
little manipulator
Debi was at the store with Toren shopping when Toren revealed a new negotiating technique he has developed. He has recently taken to wanting to walk around in the store so he can go look at things. And while he doesn’t say he wants everything, he regularly finds things that he does want and will…