Author: rcragun

  • Cars? Cars where are you?

    I’m not exactly sure what, cognitively, would be developing to lead Toren to do this, but it was quite funny.  Toren has obviously observed Debi and I calling out for each other and calling out for him.  We often call out for Toren, especially now that he hides to defecate and he likes playing hide-and-seek.…

  • pumpkin shoes

    In preparation for Halloween this year we pulled out Toren’s pumpkin costume from last year.  He was not at all interested in putting the pumpkin part on, but totally dug the shoes:

  • making popcorn

    Debi and I have often shared a bag of popcorn at night after Toren goes to bed.  A couple of nights when he stayed up late, he had a chance to try popcorn and is a huge fan.  Now, during the 30 minutes of TV he gets right before bed, he often will ask for…

  • scooting at K-Mart

    Continuing my tradition of letting Toren play with toys in stores, here’s a clip of Toren riding a pink scooter at K-Mart while I was looking for something: It’s actually quite interesting to see how tentative he was with this.  On toys he can sit on he’s not tentative at all, but he was on…

  • Toren on a plane ride at Busch Gardens

    We’re still exploring Busch Gardens using our annual passes.  In an area of the park we hadn’t explored yet we found these planes, which Toren really wanted to ride:

  • “To Infinity and Beyond” – down a ramp

    Toy Story has replaced Cars as Toren’s go-to movie (well, that and Star Wars).  In this clip Toren is running down a ramp at the hospital where he goes to daycare saying “to infinity and beyond”: Toren has recently started to want to explore around his daycare when we pick him up.  I haven’t been…

  • obstacle course

    One evening I couldn’t think of anything else to do with Toren so I came up with the idea for an obstacle course since he loves to climb all over the place. It was a hit (for about 30 minutes).  Here’s Toren working his way through the obstacles:

  • Toren doing the hokey pokey

    Debi recently taught Toren how to do the hokey pokey:

  • We may need another…

    As noted in a previous post, Toren has taken to diving on and off things.  In this clip he is diving on his head on our bed as he dives over my sleeping bag: This incident inspired Debi to say to me, “You know, we may want to consider having another just in case he…

  • Toren eating like a pig – take 2

    This was Toren’s second effort to eat like a pig: