Author: rcragun
You pick it up!
One thing we try to reinforce with Toren is that he has to pick up his toys. When we first started trying to teach him to do this, he fought us. He would sit down, lay down, run away, all while crying. He really did not want to pick up his toys (or food, when…
I hate pets!
You know why I hate pets?!? Because the “owners” of said pets are so often negligent of the animals. Why am I suddenly ranting about pets? Yesterday a cat climbed up on the window sill of our neighbor’s front window just as a torrential rainfall hit and began having kittens. Yep, kittens, on a…
Mom, come join me
We haven’t started trying to potty train Toren as he hasn’t shown all that much interest in it. But it does seem like he can tell at this point when he needs to mictorate or defecate, and it seems like he can control. However, he gives no warning as to when he’s going to do…
It’s fascinating to see what Toren picks up just by watching us. We certainly try to teach him things, but observing us seems to have a bigger influence – at least at present. We gave Toren a small box to play with the other day. In playing with it, he wanted to open it, but…
How many does it take before permanent damage is done?
On the 21st it was my turn to pick up Toren from daycare (we negotiate it every day; that day I volunteered). As I walked up to the door to his classroom, I looked through the glass window and saw Toren sitting on top of one of the toy shelves with another child in the…
totally inappropriate post
So, er, um… Occasionally, when I hug Debi, particularly when I hug her in front of Toren, I’ll grab her bum. Yep, that’s right. I do. I’m not embarrassed to admit it! And sometimes I’ll even give her bum a nice little love tap. Yep, you know you’re jealous! I gave Debi one of my…
Toren is talking
We were a bit concerned a couple of months ago that Toren wasn’t saying many words. He knew a few words, but he rarely used them and he didn’t seem to be picking up new words very quickly. That appears to finally be changing. He is now picking up new words every day. And, on…
Toren the Wizard
GIMP is da bomb!
ladders and couches
Toren is getting increasingly fast and nimble. The other day I was outside raking leaves while Debi was doing laundry in the garage. Toren was in the garage with her. She turned her back on Toren for just a few seconds and when she turned back around he had climbed to the top of our…
they’re stuck
Yesterday morning, while I was getting my breakfast and cleaning up the dishes, I looked out the window into our backyard and noticed something strange. It took me a second to realize what I was seeing, but then it turned to face me and I saw one of these: Then, when I looked again, there…