Author: rcragun
more flower picking
As I noted in a previous post, Toren has taken an interest in flowers. Here he wandered into one of our neighbor’s yards to pick some wildflowers:
Toren marching
Occasionally Toren will march. His march is a little strange as it primarily consists of flicking his right leg out really far, but not his left. I caught it on video one day while on a walk:
Toren and the caterpillar
On a walk one day Toren spotted a caterpillar crawling across the sidewalk. We stopped to let Toren see it:
Toren and garlic salt
There is a reason Toren loves peas – garlic salt. There is a little bit of scientific evidence that kids like foods that their mothers ate while they were in the womb, and Debi ate a lot of garlic salt (she had weird cravings for it). So, I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised…
How do the little piggies eat?
I’m not sure whether I should be proud of the fact that Toren loves peas this much, or embarrassed that I let Toren eat his peas this way:
Toren loves cookies
While Debi was gone, I found myself bribing Toren on occasion with cookies. While I’m sure that’s not shocking to most parents, and I am disappointed in myself, the part that cracks me up is just how well Toren behaves in order to get cookies. Here’s a clip of him just after he finished a…
Toren running
I’m guessing most toddlers run like this, but I get a kick out of how Toren runs: He flails his arms in strange ways. I finally caught it on film while at the WalMart in Hilton Head:
Toren and Debi on the beach at Hilton Head
During the one nice day we had in Hilton Head I shot this short clip of Toren and Debi running around on the beach. This is right by the famous lighthouse:
Toren picking flowers (in our backyard)
Toren has recently taken an interest in flowers. We’ll be out in the yard playing (in our weeds; we don’t have much grass) and Toren will stop to pick flowers. It’s pretty funny:
Toren at the mall
I took Toren back to the children’s play area at the mall for some play time a few weeks back and shot a little footage of him playing. It was early and no one else was there, which meant he had the entire play area to himself: