Author: rcragun

  • Toren playing with his computer

    Toren received a kids computer for Christmas from his Grandmary and Grangary.  While he doesn’t play with it non-stop, he does go through phases when he’ll play with it a lot.  He went through about a week at the beginning of March where that was all he wanted to do, as shown in these two…

  • Toren saying “No”

    Ever since Toren learned how to say “No,” it’s been his favorite word, by far.  I finally caught him saying it on camera while he was in the tub:

  • Toren and shoes

    As I was getting Toren ready to go outside one day, Debi decided to snap some photos as he was being very cute.  Initially we were trying to get his shoes on, then he stole mine:

  • Hilton Head, SC

    We had big plans for Hilton Head, but we weren’t really prepared for Hilton Head.  Debi asked me the night before we left what the forecast was for Hilton Head.  I swear the website I checked said it was going to be in the 40s the entire time we were going to be there.  So,…

  • Savannah, GA

    Debi had a conference in Hilton Head, SC from the 20th through the 23rd.  Since Hilton Head is within driving distance (about 7 hours), we decided we’d all go up.  On the way we stopped to see a friend and colleague in Jacksonville, then continued on to Savannah, GA.  We had heard it was a…

  • Toren swinging

    Toren has just recently decided he likes swinging.  I used to put him in swings and he would want out almost immediately.  Now, he laughs and giggles as you push him. It’s quite cute:

  • Toren eating crackers and saying “mine” and “uh oh”

    Toren has begun saying “no” with increasing frequency.  It was cute at first.  Now it’s increasingly aggravating.  Anyway, I was trying to get him to say it on camera in this clip, but he ended up surprising me.  I asked him if I could have a cracker and he eventually gave me one.  I was…

  • Toren playing keywack

    I found a simple little game for kids on my computer called Keywack.  Basically, you pull up the game and a screen appears.  The kid hits keys, and random objects appear on the screen.  Toren digs it:

  • Toren wanting to go backpacking

    This is a short clip of Toren indicating he wants to go for a ride in the backpack – while in his diaper.  It was about 7:30 night and it was dark out, so we didn’t go outside, but I took him for a ride around the house:

  • videos of Toren at Treasure Island’s beach

    Toren and I went out to Treasure Island’s beach (it’s an island not far from St. Petersburg beach) a while back to check out a hotel.  Here are some clips of Toren playing on the beach from that trip: