Category: general news

  • Back in the News

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been talking with Leonora LaPeter Anton at the St. Petersburg Times about the pill mill/pain management center that was behind my house.  Her story hit the paper today: Pill mill’s demise brings relief to neighbors.  Here’s the picture from that story: Apparently my picture is in the print edition…

  • one phone to rule them all

    While I’m a major geek and I love technology, I’m also cheap.  Ergo, we’ve had the same cell phones for three years: HTC 8125s.  They’ve been good phones, but they ran a very outdated Windows Mobile operating system with limited functionality.  I eventually convinced Debi that it was time to upgrade to new smart/app phones…

  • Verna Probst

    Debi’s great aunt, Verna Probst, passed away on April 25th. Verna was a lot like a grandmother to Debi and the rest of her family and was very close to Debi’s parents.  Debi and Toren flew out for the funeral at the end of April (while they were sick, unfortunately).  Here’s the obituary from the…

  • playing in poop

    The last month or so around our house hasn’t been the greatest. Debi came down with an ear infection. Toren likely had one at the same time, but we didn’t realize it right away. Eventually they were both on antibiotics and each of them tried multiple antibiotics before they found anything that seemed to work.…

  • in the news…

    I wrote up my experience with the pain management clinic behind my house on my blog a few months ago. Since then, a lot has happened. A bunch of people have emailed me about the clinic; I’ve talked to lawyers and reporters and patients and documentary film makers about this. I’m not sure what will…

  • family photos

    While Debi’s parents were here we took some photos.  Here are some of the better ones:

  • new recipe – spring vegetable risotto

    I occasionally try new recipes, when I can find the time.  I have a pretty good repository of favorite recipes that I make regularly (you can see most of them here).  I’d say 90% of the new recipes I try don’t make it past the Debi test, meaning Debi doesn’t eat the leftovers and I…

  • I just hired Jesus…

    My neighbor’s name is Jesus; he’s from Cuba.  He’s doing some work on our house.  It’s not really news, but I wanted a funny post title on here that would grab attention.  Anyone else ever paid Jesus to do some work for them?

  • Avatar

    We finally made our pilgrimage to a 3D theater to pay our respects to James Cameron’s latest blockbuster creation, Avatar. As a science fiction lover, I wanted to see it as soon as it came out. But I’m also a workaholic and finding the time just wasn’t happening. However, when I read that it was…

  • Mentioned in the Guardian…

    Its over 6 months since it was published, but apparently I was mentioned in a news story in the Guardian, a prominent UK newspaper. Yeah for me!