Category: travel
Stan’s Funeral
As I noted last week, my Uncle, Stan Winston, passed away. I had the opportunity to go to the funeral along with most of my siblings and in-laws. On the way out to the funeral I read a book about Stan Winston Studio called The Winston Effect. The book was published in 2006 and Stan…
Fort de Soto
There’s a lot to like about working as a college professor, but one of the best perks is the flexible schedule, especially over the summer. We usually work every weekday, and usually most weekends, but sometimes we take a day off (or even a couple hours) to go explore our new surroundings. The flexible schedules…
biking the Gandy Bridge
The last couple of weeks of school were packed with grading and other activities. We are now finished with those responsibilities and have started our “summer of research” (some people get “summers of love” or “travel summers;” we get “research summers”!). We have enough research projects to keep us busy for two summers, but we’re…
Fort de Soto; Expelled
We had our first familial visitor last weekend. My Dad was in Orlando for a carwash convention and made a side trip out to Tampa (about 1 1/2 hours away). He and a colleague of his spent the night then we took them out to Fort de Soto. Debi and I had never been but…
2 reasons Florida is cool and one attraction to avoid
As luck would have it, the latest space shuttle launch coincided with our spring break. The only thing I really, really wanted to do upon moving to Florida was see a shuttle launch in person. So, when I saw a chance for us to go observe a launch, we jumped at it. Given it is…
stormy, stormy
This was a pretty boring day, really… Or, at least it seemed so at the time. We took my rental car back to the airport in Newark then flew, without incident to Atlanta. But that’s when things got a little weird. I noticed on a TV in the Atlanta airport huge blackouts in Florida. We…
Trinity College
I spent the day at Trinity College, a non-sectarian private, liberal arts school in Hartford. I presented some of my research than sat in on a brainstorming session with the researchers who did the ARIS study working on new questions to ask in a follow-up survey. It was very cool to spend time with such…
Hartford CT vs. another round in NYC
My work trip started Sunday while Debi and Steve got to spend another day in NYCity. I picked up a rental around around 9:00 and headed to Demarest, NJ where I met with one of the researchers from the institute I was visiting for lunch. From there I headed to Hartford, CT. I checked into…
the big, big apple
We tried to get an early start into NYCity, but sleep won the battle against sightseeing… So we ended up taking a later train from Princeton to Penn Station than we originally planned. From Penn Station we took the Subway down to the Staten Island Ferry, which is the poor man’s way of seeing the…
oooohhh, Princeton!
At the last academic conference I attended I became acquainted with a couple of researchers who are well known in the sociology of religion. Given our shared interest in the non-religious, they invited me up to Trinity College in Hartford, CT to give a presentation on my research and to get to know them better.…