Travel, Tech, Thoughts…
Toren fun update
So, yesterday’s update was the scary one. Today’s is the fun one. Since we’ve recovered from the trauma a bit, we have had a number of first-time parenting experiences. So, hopefully this will offset yesterday’s post… We decided to have Toren circumcised. That six-word sentence substantially minimizes the debate we had over this decision. I’ll…
The Toren Saga
Toren’s officially two days old! Here’s the rundown of what happened on the day he was born (starting the night before). NOTE: The rundown is a bit detailed and graphic, in case that’s a problem for you. We were working in front of the TV Monday night around 7:30 pm when Debi felt something wet.…
Game on!
Contractions started at 2:30. Water broke at 5:40. Epidural in at 6:40. Now we’re just waiting… 🙂
Goodbye Windows (mostly). Hello Linux!
After about three years of toying with each new release of Ubuntu Linux, the latest version, Jaunty Jackalope 9.0.4, sold me. It’s about 95% there, and that’s enough. So here’s the rundown of what works and what doesn’t… I installed the latest version on five computers: 2 custom built desktops, a Lenovo laptop, a Compaq…
Star Trek
So, it turns out Debi and I aren’t the only Star Trek fans in Tampa. We weren’t interviewed by Fox 13, but saw all of these people being interviewed when we went last night. As far as the movie goes, it’s very good, but somewhat problematic as far as the Star Trek time line goes. …
Debi (and Toren) at Plant Park
We spent about an hour shooting photos in Plant Park at the University of Tampa on Saturday. Here are some of the better photos: On a different but related note, the main concern I have now is that Toren is not stillborn (per CDC definitions, stillborn refers to fetal deaths after 20 weeks). Luckily, his…
big government vs. little government
For all you fans of reducing government out there, maybe you should reconsider. This NYTimes article gives a good illustration of situations when small government doesn’t make sense. For years the government has allowed private companies to provide student loans at virtually no risk to the companies as the government insures the loans and provides…
science is amazing!!!
Here’s a great NYTimes article this morning summarizing some recent genetic research on the origins of humans in Africa. We’ve known for quite some time that humans originated in Africa, but the current studies trace human ancestry to the southwest corner of Africa, something that had not been done before. That’s pretty cool. But even…
Toren Cragun, in utero
I know I haven’t posted much about the baby recently, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been documenting the pregnancy. As promised yesterday, Toren, in utero:
Spring Dance Concert
Among all the other things Debi has been doing, she found the time to choreograph a dance for the University of Tampa Spring Dance Concert with a friend (and now neighbor). Here it is: