Travel, Tech, Thoughts…
breathing earth
A student found this site and showed it to me the other day: Spend a few minutes perusing it. Disturbing.
letter to the editor of the St. Petersburg Times
I caught this story a couple of days ago about a wealthy chiropractor trying to change Florida legislation on childhood vaccines. I was so annoyed by it that I wrote a letter to the editor of the St. Petersburg Times. They called yesterday to let me know they were going to publish it. Found it…
Nexuiz Nexus
While I absolutely don’t have the time to do this, I decided I’m going to do it anyway, because I miss it. I’ve put together a monthly gaming night with my brother (Josh) and brother-in-law (Steve). To make things simple for anyone who wants to participate, we’ll be playing Nexuiz, a first-person shooter that is…
age vs. cohort in voting behavior
I’m preparing a lecture for one of my classes in which we are discussing Robert Putnam’s book Bowling Alone. In the 2nd chapter on political participation he claims, “The distinction between intracohort and intercohort change is crucial to understanding what’s been happening to turnout in America over the last thirty years. Very little of the…
Today’s Sunday School lesson is on “open-mindedness”
new baby pictures
Debi had another ultrasound today. Here are the latest photos of Toren. According to the ultrasound technician, this first photo shows hair on Toren’s head (the little whiffs by the arrow): This is a pretty good shot of his face – though he looks a little creepy in this photo: So, I so couldn’t tell…
I’m not sure if anyone will be interested in these, but over the last couple of years I’ve put together a few powerpoint presentations that others may find useful. I’ve uploaded them all to a website that lets others view them online and download them. I’ve prepared presentations on each of the following books: Guns,…
scientific illiteracy
I’ve had this post sitting around for a while as a draft and finally have a few minutes to develop it into a full post. So, here goes… Periodically you hear about how scientifically illiterate Americans are. A recent Harris Poll found the following: Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the…
intriguing news items
I haven’t posted news articles in a while, but these two struck me as noteworthy. First, turns out the regulations of European countries during good economic times seem to have sheltered them from the current economic storm. Huh… I’m sure the greedy capitalist assholes who got us into this mess aren’t very happy about this…
Karl Marx called the primary purpose of human existence “species-being.” What he meant by that is that humans only realize their purpose in life by feeling attached to the products they produce. Of course, Marx was writing in light of capitalism and argued that capitalism alienates workers from their products (particularly proletarians). Regardless of your…