Travel, Tech, Thoughts…

  • Checking the signal level on your Toshiba Cable Modem (PCX2200)

    I’ve had RoadRunner high speed internet access for nearly a year now (7/2004-5/2004), and for 6 months of that year, I have experienced intermittent signal loss. What this means is that I lose my connection to the internet at random times and for no apparent reason (e.g., webpages don’t load, IM doesn’t work, downloads don’t…

  • my latest annoyance – deceptive move-in mailings

    We bought a house; we’re happy. Start the deceptive junk mail. Mortgage insurance providers are pretty smooth. They must have sent the first mailing within about 2 days of me closing on the home. It was, in fact, the first piece of mail I got. Deceptively, it looked as though it was from my mortgage…

  • US Airways, job update, and a photo 😉

    A couple of weeks ago Debi flew down to Tampa to interview for a job (more on jobs below). For cheap, last minute flights between Tampa and Cincinnati, US Airways has great deals. So, she was booked on US Airways. And, to make the flight as cheap as possible, she flew out of Dayton, which…

  • new theme, new site

    So, my web hosting company I’ve used for the past two years suddenly decided they didn’t want my business anymore. I went to post a book review on my blog yesterday and my website was gone, replaced by an advertisement for their company (the host was, which I definitely don’t recommend after this fiasco).…

  • move and new home

    And, finally, greetings from Florida. I left Cincinnati on the 13th around 6:30 am and drove straight to Statesboro, GA, where I met up with a colleague and spent the night at his house. He works at Georgia Southern University, which has a very beautiful campus. It was fun to finally meet his wife and…

  • graduation

    Well, it’s finally official – I graduated. I now have a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cincinnati. With a little urging from my adviser, I decided to participate in the hooding ceremony and I’m glad I did. It wasn’t particularly amazing, but it was a nice, ceremonial way to illustrate that one era…

  • Scott and Shalynn had their baby – Anderson Scott Morgan

    I’m a bit behind posting on here – I’ve been busy with our move (more on that soon). Anyway, one of Debi’s younger brothers and his wife just had a baby – Anderson Scott Morgan. He was born June 15 at 1:16pm; 7lbs. 13oz.; 20 1/4 inches long. Here are a few pics:

  • articles on poverty and class in NYTimes Magazine

    The New York Times Magazine is running a number of article on poverty and class in America. I highly recommend taking the thirty minutes or so it will take to read through some of these articles. They do a great job highlighting issues of class that increasingly present themselves in U.S. society, especially as the…

  • Taste of Cincinnati

    So, things are winding down for us here in Cincinnati. I’m probably headed to Tampa, mid-June, to take occupancy of the home we are buying down there. Debi will be following me shortly thereafter. After 6 years in Cincinnati we’ve been thinking of things we’ve wanted to do but haven’t done and have been trying…

  • here’s something fun…

    In preparation for my class on sex work tomorrow (it’s a class on human sexuality) I did a little sniffing around to see what I could find on prostitution in Cincinnati. One of the first thoughts that came to mind was to see if the Cincinnati Police had any statistics on their website regarding prostitution.…