Travel, Tech, Thoughts…

  • news and a funny quote

    I successfully defended my dissertation yesterday! Hooray! A few minor revisions and I can finally turn my attention to getting chapters from it published. With all the preparation the defense required, I basically haven’t been doing much else – including blogging. But life has continued… I’m grading mid-terms from the three classes I’m teaching this…

  • fuel additives

    A family member recently sent me an email encouraging me to try a new fuel additive that claims to boost fuel economy. Because I care about this relative and care about the truth, I spent a few minutes checking out the claims of this company to see if it is really worth my time. Here’s…

  • Iraq and life update

    I got my dissertation defense date – May 4. It’s a little nerve-wracking, but it will be good to have it done. It’s kept me pretty busy lately. I also need to recommend a new local restaurant to my fellow Cincinnatians – Mama’s Hot Pot (8372 Reading Road). It opened up about a month ago…

  • new links

    I added a couple of new links in the sidebar. The first is to a list of the places we’ve visited using Google Maps. My paternal grandparents had a map with pins in it marking all of the places they visited over the years. I liked the idea and figured out take a 21st Century…

  • Tampa trip

    We’ve been back from Tampa/Nashville for almost two weeks now, but I’ve been swamped with other things and am just now getting to writing up a trip report. Here’s the rundown: March 14th drove to Tampa It’s a 14 to 16 hour drive. We drove straight through, listening to a few books on mp3 (see…

  • sitting at the park in Nashville

    I’m in Nashville with Debi, who is attending a professional conference. I have plenty to do to keep me busy, but I thought I’d read outside to enjoy the good weather rather than sit, cooped up, in our hotel room. I checked a local map and found a park by the river just a couple…

  • Sociology in Russia makes NYTimes headlines?

    Debi and I have been in Tampa house hunting and otherwise too busy to post anything, but I plan to write up a trip report soon. Until then, you can check out this article in the NYTimes on some issues facing the Sociology department at Moscow State University. I usually like it when my chosen…

  • big news

    I don’t know why I’ve put this off for so long, but I have… Anyway, I do actually have some big news though most people who read this blog already know about it: I accepted a tenure track position at the University of Tampa, in Tampa, FL. We’ll be moving to Tampa this summer. It’s…

  • freezing rain!

    The weather here has been pretty awful lately. A nasty combination of snow and freezing rain left our cars with about 2 inches of ice and snow on them. It took almost 30 minutes to clean just the windows on each of our cars this morning. Here’s a photo of Debi holding her ice-encrusted antenna:…

  • apocryphal or not, these are funny…

    I received an email today with the following introduction and stories. They may not be real, who knows… But they’re still funny: Have you ever spoken and wished that you could immediately take the words back or that you could crawl into a hole? You’re not alone… I was at the golf store comparing different…