Travel, Tech, Thoughts…

  • Road Trip – day 1 (Florida to South Carolina)

    With Debi completing her PhD and me getting tenure and landing a sabbatical, we decided June 2013 would be the ideal time to take a long vacation.  With our many interests and varied obligations, what we finally decided on was a very long road trip up the East Coast, across the Midwest to Utah, and…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 10

    This was our last day working at Plenitud.  We put in the standard morning work day, but there were a couple of differences.  First, the students prevailed on the staff at Plenitud, who are predominantly vegetarian, to kill some of the chickens and cook them for dinner that night.  One of the students grew up…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 9

    This was our second excursion.  Typically the volunteering trips only have one excursion per trip, but the staff at Plenitud insisted we take two.  For this one, we headed to Playa Sucia, which is Spanish for “dirty beach.”  But it really wasn’t that dirty (there was some trash just north of the beach, but the…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 8

    This was another work day.  I don’t recall the details of what we did, but here’s another picture from Plenitud: We typically found work to do in the learning center in the afternoon when it rained.  On this afternoon we shucked a massive container of peanuts.  While we worked I told the students stories about…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 7

    We worked in the morning again.  But one of the staff members had also heard about a Jazz Festival in Mayaguez, about an hour away from the farm, that afternoon.  Since we kept getting rained out anyway, and because it was a Sunday, we ended up going out to the Jazz Festival that afternoon/evening.  While…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 6

    This was another work day.  But, if my memory serves me correctly, we also had a special treat.  Because we were only working half days and getting rained out in the afternoons, the staff at Plenitud arranged for a dance demonstration.  Some local dancers who dance a Puerto Rican traditional dance style, Bomba, came to…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 5

    This was our first of two excursions during the service trip.  I voted (well, strong-armed) the students to do this excursion over some of the others – it was a trip to El Yunque National Forest.  It’s the only tropical rainforest in the United States.  We got up early and hit the road, as it…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 4

    This day was like the previous one, following the standard schedule.  But we did have our first novel activity that the staff arranged because we were stuck in the Learning Center in the afternoons: Salsa lessons.  They knew a young woman who was quite good at Salsa who came out this night and gave us…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 3

    This was a pretty typical day on the farm.  We got up at 6:00.  I read at the gazebo while some students did yoga.  We ate breakfast, then went out to work on projects – the ones I mentioned in the previous post (e.g., road maintenance, planting, weeding, etc.).  We’d usually work from about 8:00…

  • Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 2

    The staff at Plenitud are, well, they’re hippies.  And I’m totally cool with that.  In another life, I probably would be too.  Anyway, I only mention that because it helps explain some of what we did during the time we were there.  Like, for instance, every morning at 6:00 am one of the staff members…