Travel, Tech, Thoughts…
Plenitud – Puerto Rico Trip – day 1
I was invited to go with UT students on another service trip. This time we went to Puerto Rico to live, work, and learn on an eco-farm called Plenitud. The farm is run using permaculture principles which, in a nutshell, boil down to utilizing sustainable agricultural principles based on natural ecosystems. For instance, permaculture principles…
launching Toren
One of Toren’s favorite activities when jumping on the trampoline is for me to launch him really high. We used to call this “skyrocketing” someone when I was growing up. The video isn’t great because I was filming it; I’ll try to get better footage in the future:
I knew this day would come
I think every kid eventually learns a song like this and parents wonder how and why. Anyway, I overheard Toren saying this in the back of the car and had to capture it on film. He explains where he heard it and illustrates that he obviously has no idea what he’s saying:
hiking in Colt Creek State Park
Toren and I did a little hiking a few Sundays back at a new park. The layout was odd and the maps they had didn’t align with the actually trails as far as I could tell, but we did get to hike around a lake (Toren made it most of the way) and actually saw…
- visits
In addition to our occasional hikes, I decided to start visiting some of the strange roadside attractions in the Tampa area. Here are a few of the first places we visited. A local RV dealer decided to use a few old Airstream trailers to create a work of art next to I-4 called Airstream Ranch:…
Toren’s puppy
Yeah, Toren doesn’t have a real puppy; never will. But he decided his robot puppy needed some water:
ice cream at McDonalds
Toren loves McDonalds ice cream cones:
if you’re parents won’t give you a sibling…
Toren has talked about a sibling a lot lately. Whenever he brings it up, we immediately emphasize the fact that he wouldn’t get as much of our attention and would have to share all of his toys and possibly even his room with a sibling. So far, he hasn’t been dissuaded by those facts. The…
big boy nets at Busch Gardens
We found some new nets for Toren to climb at Busch Gardens:
Toren hunting for candy
The Easter Bunny visited our house in early April and left Toren a ton of candy: