Tag: general news

  • great new story on the Cragun family blog

    For those who don’t know, my family has a blog for sharing funny stories. I don’t hear funny stories from my family very often anymore (unfortunately), but whenever I do, I post them over there. My sister just sent me a good one. You should check it out. —————- Now playing: Nina Gerber – Back…

  • McCain visits University of Tampa

    I just finished my morning class on Friday and was responding to email when I heard that John McCain was visiting the university at noon. I called Debi, who doesn’t have classes on Fridays, and asked her if she wanted to see him. Regular readers will know we don’t generally lean Republican, but we are…

  • vegetarianism and the environment?

    Here’s an interesting news item I rediscovered in the NYtimes today: raising animals for meat releases more CO2 into the atmosphere than does the entire travel industry combined. This is based on research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. I’m sure some of my regular readers will take issue with…

  • Iraq and life update

    I got my dissertation defense date – May 4. It’s a little nerve-wracking, but it will be good to have it done. It’s kept me pretty busy lately. I also need to recommend a new local restaurant to my fellow Cincinnatians – Mama’s Hot Pot (8372 Reading Road). It opened up about a month ago…

  • Oh to live in Florida…

    We had a massive snowstorm last night – dumped at least 6″ to 8″ of snow. I know any family members I have in Utah who read this will laugh at that. But you have to understand that the amount of snow is relative to the region – 6″ to 8″ in Cincinnati is like…

  • some updates

    I’ve been very busy lately, too busy to even post here. I was trying to finish a round of revisions on my dissertation while also preparing for two new classes and applying for jobs. I just turned in the latest round of revisions on my dissertation, so I’m taking a short breather before starting in…

  • duodenum, holiday lights

    I just finished my second session of the research study I originally participated in back in September. Boy it’s nice to be able to eat whatever I want again. This time around they took a picture of my duodenum (small intestines) with the tube inside and gave it to me. Not that you’ve ever wanted…

  • general news update

    I’m writing this as I’m waiting for Debi’s flight to land. Just found out it’s running 15 minutes late. She’s coming back from a very short trip to Utah to see her sister’s newborn. She left Wednesday night and is coming back tonight – just in time to celebrate the tail end of my 30th…

  • Ethan Robbins

    Debi’s sister, Suzy, had her baby this past Thursday. It is the first Morgan family grandchild.  From what we’ve been told the birth came off without a hitch.  We’re still waiting for pictures.

  • cool piece of news

    Anyone familiar with the Cragun family of Mt. Green, UT who has also visited the Cragun home is probably familiar with foosball or table soccer. You’re also probably familiar with the passion most of the Cragun’s had toward the game – many a night was spent hunched over that table, cursing at friends (in a…