Tag: technology

  • ChatGPT – checking for personally identifying information

    ChatGPT – checking for personally identifying information

    I recently hired a panel survey company to conduct surveys in several countries around the world. With some of the questions, we gave participants the option to select “other” and then fill in the blank. Given the ethics approval that we have for the data, we are not allowed to retain any data that could…

  • ZFS – disk upgrade/replacement

    ZFS – disk upgrade/replacement

    I built my own Network Attached Storage (NAS) computer a few years ago but have been looking for an opportunity to upgrade the hard drives so I have more space. Leading up to Black Friday, I found a deal for 10TB drives that finally led me to pull the trigger (roughly $80 per drive). They…

  • NoMachine Freezing on Xubuntu 22.04

    NoMachine Freezing on Xubuntu 22.04

    I have a headless fileserver that runs XFCE (Xubuntu). I recently reformatted the operating system (transferring my files in a ZFS raid to the new operating system rather seamlessly). But the software I use within my local network to access the fileserver, NoMachine, started having problems. Basically, I could access my machine, but the NoMachine…

  • Plex – Video Optimization & Converted Files Permissions

    Plex – Video Optimization & Converted Files Permissions

    I was traveling with my wife and son, staying at an AirBnB a few states away from home, and wanted to watch some videos from my Plex server (server software version: using an Amazon Fire Stick on a Samsung TV. When I tried to play the videos using the Plex app on the Fire…

  • Nexis Uni – Date Search Limited to 1 Year, No Issue Browsing, and No Obituaries

    Nexis Uni – Date Search Limited to 1 Year, No Issue Browsing, and No Obituaries

    I’m a college professor. As a result, I have access to a number of research resources that most people don’t have, including my university’s library, which subscribes to numerous databases to help me and my colleagues (and our students) with our research. I was looking for some very specific information from the Los Angeles Times…

  • Kubuntu – KDE – adjusting screen brightness trick

    Kubuntu – KDE – adjusting screen brightness trick

    I just happened upon an interesting little bonus feature in Kubuntu 22.04 with KDE Plasma 5.24.7 that I thought I’d share since it’s so nifty. It’s possible to add a battery icon to a panel. This is done by right-clicking on the panel and selecting “Add Widgets.” Scroll down and find the battery and brightness…

  • Kubuntu/Linux – batch convert HEIF images

    Kubuntu/Linux – batch convert HEIF images

    My son recently went on a field trip. The teachers who went with him took hundreds of photos… on their iPhones. Since I want the photos of him, I downloaded all of them so I could skim through them and find the ones of my son. But I quickly realized that I was having issues…

  • Linux: Starting and Stopping Torrents from Crontab

    Linux: Starting and Stopping Torrents from Crontab

    I download my Kubuntu installation images via Bit Torrent and like to keep Bit Torrent running most of the time. However, there are occasionally times when I want to pause my torrents and then restart them (e.g., when I’m streaming videos or otherwise using lots of bandwidth). I can, of course, do this manually, but…

  • Kubuntu 22.04 – Pending update of “firefox” snap

    In the 22.04 version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu, Firefox was switched from a repository to a snap. I don’t know enough about the technical reasons for that, but it does mean that how Firefox is updated has changed. It also introduced a very annoying notification message that you’ve probably seen (and which is why you’re here: Switching…

  • LibreOffice – Set Image as Background/Watermark

    I don’t do this very often, but occasionally I need to write a letter or something of that sort and I want to use an image as a background to the letter. A background image of this sort is often referred to as a “watermark.” (If we’re getting technical, a watermark is really a faint…