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  1. Dennis Northcott Avatar
    Dennis Northcott

    I have been wrestling with your LinuxMint or Ubuntu: How to Automount Synology Shares for some months now without succcess. I am ex Windows from the beginning of time and only swapped to Linux mint about a year ago (a newby) so I have had a lot to learn. I have the Linux kernel 4-11.0-14 and mint 18.2 . I have followed your directions but on typing sudo mount -a into the terminal i get : mount point nfs does not exist. My fstab entry is nfs rw,hard,intr,nolock o o. I suspect nfs-common is not installed correctly is there away to prove this is installed OK. ? Any help would be very gratefully recieved.

    1. Ryan Avatar

      Hi Dennis. There is a problem in your fstab entry. You’re trying to mount the Synology share to a file in your root directory called “nfs”. Let me explain by breaking down the fstab line.

      The first part of your fstab entry is the location of the synology share: “”. This is where the synology share is on the network. That is fine.

      What needs to come right after that is the location on your computer where you want the share to be mounted. You can see on my computer I mount all of my synology shares in my home folder, so: “/home/ryan/[nasfiles]”. This is where you want the share mounted on your computer, so the location has to be on your computer somewhere.

      Right now, in your fstab entry, the operating system is thinking that the “mount point” is whatever comes after the location of the directory you want to mount. You have there “nfs”. So, the operating system is trying to mount your synology share to a file in your root directory called “nfs”, which obviously doesn’t exist.

      You need to change the fstab to read:
      “ /home/dennis/nasfiles nfs rw,hard,intr,nolock o o”.

      Note the difference. You’ll have TWO locations in the fstab entry. Location 1 is where the synology share is located and Location 2 is where you want it mounted on your computer.

      Once you have the mount point correct (it has to have read, write, execute status as well), then you shouldn’t get the error anymore.

  2. Dennis Northcott Avatar
    Dennis Northcott

    Hi Ryan,
    Many thanks for your speedy response. I have entered into fstab your suggested entry and on following with sudo mount -a get the response – mount.nfs mounting failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory.
    So I checked nasfiles (on my computer) properties and then clicked the share entry. This is blanked out with a note at the bottom ;– Samba needs to be installed and user account needs to join the ‘Samashare’ group – install.
    I the checked my Synology Model DS216j and clicked on Share Folder in the Control Panel. This showed nasbackup – volume 2 with description of;-All Networks Backups, Advanced Permissions – Disabled, Recycle B in – Disabled.
    I the clicked on Permissions this showed ;- admin; Read/Write followed by my Synology password; Read/Write, Guest No Access.
    Then Clicked on Advanced Permissions nothing was ticked here.
    Then Clicked NFS Permissions here it showed
    * Read//Write, no mapping, asynchronous yes, non privileged port Denied, cross mount Allowed. Under this was (my computer IP Address) with the above * entries following.
    I am still a bit confused as with fstab entry I seem to be entering my computer file nasfiles twice ? and should this file have a a NFS share reference to it or Samba installed ?
    If you could help again I would be most grateful

  3. Dennis Northcott Avatar
    Dennis Northcott

    Hi Ryan,
    Just a foot note to above I have just noticed that on my computer under Networks it says –
    Mount: only root can mount on /home/dennis/nasfiles

    Hope this might help
    All Best Regards

    1. ryan Avatar

      Hi Dennis,

      I’ve been pondering your questions for the last week and checking your settings against what I have and I have to admit to not having an easy answer for you this time.

      In your last comment you noted that you’re getting an error that only root can mount the Synology volume. But you also noted that you were using the following command to mount it: “sudo mount -a”. If that is the command you are using, then you are trying to mount as root. So, it should be working assuming you followed all of the directions in my post.

      Not sure what else to tell you.

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