We’re back from Utah. It was almost two weeks, but seems like it was shorter as we did a lot in a short amount of time. Here’s the brief run down with pictures and videos…
We flew out on the 24th, with a layover in Houston. Here’s Toren playing with a warning sign in the terminal in Houston in his pajamas:
The sign wasn’t being used; he just found it in a nook and thought it would make a good toy.
We also tried something new on this flight – headphones for Toren while he watched a video on my phone. It worked for a while:

We got up early to catch our 6:00 am flight, but did surprisingly well given the lack of sleep. We spent the evening at Debi’s sister’s house (Suzy and Brent and their son Ethan). They had prepared a delicious Christmas Eve meal. We spent most of the evening just chatting and eating, then wrapped it up with some Uno Attack (Ethan is now old enough to play, but he doesn’t always know the rules, so it makes for an exciting game). We spent the night at Debi’s parents house.
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